(10.) Hefte in englischer und französischer Sprache

Siehe auch Abt. 15 und 16 der „Jacques-Offenbach-Reihe“


Bad Ems. A short introduction to its history and its main buildings,
by Ulrich BRAND, 16 p. (1984/2000) ……………………………………………  BEH  E26

The Mainzer Haus and the area of Spiess Ems, with an additional chapter on
houses and house names of 
Spiess Ems 1892, (Translation of BEH 23) (1987) .... BEH  E23

BAD EMS. Famous Watering-Place in the Lahn Valley. Official Decription
of the Spa and its Carbonate of Soda Thermal Waters with Rock-Salt of 28-50° C.
by the Kurkommission of Bad Ems 1908 (facsimile edition) 63 p.(2012) 
BEH 329

A Visit to Bad Ems and a Journey on the Rhine to Wiesbaden in the Year 1924,
by S. L. BENSUSAN (also in German as BEH 63), 22 p. (1987) ……………….      BEH E63

Grandmother and grandchildren relate, by Edith DIETZ, née Königsberger
and Documents of the sufferings of two Bad Ems children,
 by Astrid PÖTZ,  28 p. (2002) …………………………………………………..       BEH 204

The schooldays of Freddy Karpf, by Manfred GOLDFISH, with an introduction
by Su GOLDFISH (Australia), Foreword by Hans-Jürgen SARHOLZ
From the life of a Jewish family in Bad Ems until 1938, 52 p. (2010) ......................   BEH 310


Hefte für die Bad Emser Partnerstädte

Droitwich – Stadtrundgang  und Rundfahrt durch die Partnerstadt 
von Bad Ems, von Bernie CROSSLAND, 20 S. (1984) …………………………  BEH   29

Musée de Bad Ems. Une promenade à travers l’histoire locale,
Hans-Jürgen SARHOLZ / Elisabeth LEMOULE, 24 S. (1989) ………………….  BEH F80




Ulrich Brand

Mühlbachweg 6

56357 Berg


Tel: 06772 2597
